How can I book a session?

Please either use the contact page or send an email to [email protected]. I will respond with photo session info and a price list. Once you decide to hire me, an invoice and an online contract will be sent to you. Please keep in mind, I cannot secure the time and date until the deposit payment and signed online contract have been received.

What to wear to the Photo session:

Try to coordinate your outfits but don't match. Don't make everyone wear the same color. 

  • What to Avoid - heavy pattern, characters, graphics or large Logos.
  • What to Consider - Wear something that flatters your body and makes you comfortable and confident. Accessories are also a good idea like scarfs, jewelry, flowers in the hair for girls, etc.  Feeling Comfortable in what you wear is important.

When is the best time to do the photo session?

I like the results of shooting in natural  light. For the best results, the best times are early morning or late afternoon. If we do the session midday, then we can find a location that has shade. Any kind of shade such as buildings, trees, a doorway etc. Mid day sunlight can be harsh and cause you or your family to have to squint which I would like to avoid.

Suggestions for photographing children?

The best time to do a session is after nap time; well rested and well fed makes a happy boy or girl.  Try not to show up to a session on an empty stomach. 


My current Availability is limited to weekends.  If a Weekday is need please email me.

How long do you keep the pictures:

All Images will be kept for 6 months. 

How many can be in a family photo session:

Family photo session is up to 6 people. If you'd like to add another person, please add $15 each person. If you're planning to have an extended family portrait send me an Email.

When the photos will be ready:

Photos will be ready in 10-14 business days.


All digital files will come in Jpeg format. I generally do not give RAW/Unedited files to clients. If you require the RAW files please contact me for Pricing

Retouch & additional editing:

Any proofing product ordered or viewed online each will be corrected for color balance, density, and contrast. Any additional retouching after the edited image will be charged $10 per picture.

Location for the photo shoot:

Places that make you and family comfortable. If you have kids; I prefer places like parks, beaches, or playground. 

If you still have any other question, please do not hesitate to email me. Thank you for taking the time to read this. I Look forward to creating a memory for you and your family.